Katie Vivian Pineau

Hi, Nice to meet you

My name is Katie. I am a 13 year old Chinese girl from Guangzhou, China. I am now living in Firestone in Beautiful Colorado. I attend Imagine middle school. My 7th grade was a real challenge  for me because of my late arrival and my poor communication skills. But with the help of my new friends, teachers and my parents my English is much better and I did well in school. I hope next year will be even better.  I appreciate and enjoy being in America so very much.   I am hoping to attend and participate in all  the class activities and outing. I have made this web site to help me raise funds to support those extra activities. 


I am now 16 years old and a Junior in High school. I just got my drivers license and changed my name. I am now Katie Vivian Pineau.  I recently applied for US citizenship. Wish me luck. 


Teaching Chinese


Translating Chinese



Katie Qing Peng,